EMA-DOM’s last General Assembly took place online on 8 December 2020 and gathered 16 out of 27 members. The President, Frithjof Michaelsen, reported on the activities carried out by the association over the year. Then, the Treasurers issued the financial statement reporting a surplus given the fact that last year’s activities all took place online. The meeting went on with a lively discussion about the prospective activities for 2021. The presidency suggested renewing the past activities and members completed with a series of innovative ideas, such as creating an Instagram account for EMA-DOM, visiting the European Space Agency in Darmstadt, and performing interviews with students and alumni. Finally, the GA elected the new Board. The 2021 Board has been widely renewed with 2-year mandates for Gabriel Beauvallet-Bauchet, Héléna Jestin, Nataliya Machalina and Stefan Metzdorf; and a 1-year mandate for Luisa Lagoda. Francisco Herrera and Caroline Godard continue their mandate for one more year. The next General Assembly will take place in December 2021. Until then, your feedback and suggestions on EMA-DOM’s activities are always welcome.