Dear members of EMA-DOM,
Dear students,
Dear alumni,
You are very warmly invited to the 9th General Assembly of the Europa Master Association – Dijon Opole Mainz! The purpose of the General Assembly is to bring together all the association members to discuss EMA-DOM’s recent activities, discuss possible future projects, and elect a new Board. If you are not a member of EMA-DOM, you can attend the General Assembly without expressing yourself. If you want to vote, you need to become a member before the start of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly will take place on:
Date: Tuesday, December 17th 2024
Time: 20:00
Place: Google Meets
To join the General Assembly just use the following link:
The following agenda is proposed:
Agenda (Ordre du jour)
1. Welcome and approval of the agenda (Mot de bienvenue et validation de l’ordre du jour)
2. Activity report 2023/2024 (Bilan d’activité 2023/2024)
3. Financial report (Bilan financier annuel)
4. Change of Statutes/RI (Changement des statuts/RI)
5. Perspective on activities for 2025 (Perspective des activités 2025)
6. Presentation of candidates for the board 2025 (Présentation des candidats au Conseil d'administration 2025)
7. Next steps? (Et après?)
8. Any other business (Questions diverses)
The proposed changes to the statutes/règlement intérieur (RI) are intended to better align with our current way of working as a board. You can find the proposed changes in the attached documents, highlighted in red. You are welcome to share your thoughts with us beforehand or discuss the changes to the statutes during the General Assembly under agenda item 4.
If you would like to add any other item to the agenda please inform us by 10 December 2024 at the latest. Only items that have been put on the agenda can be discussed during the General Assembly.
In case you have any suggestions for a project that EMA-DOM could organize next year, you will have the possibility to present your ideas under item 5 of the agenda. Your input will be very much appreciated!
Every member of the association can stand to become a member of the board. You can announce your intention to stand as a candidate either before the General Assembly by sending us an email or during the General Assembly under item 6 of the agenda. As a candidate, you do not run for a special position on the board as this will be decided during the first meeting of the board in January.
This year a maximum of 4 posts are available on the board! If you want to actively shape the Europa Master community, create events, and improve the network between Europa Master students and alumni do not hesitate and join the board of EMA-DOM! Besides lots of fun, you can also gain experience in organizing the work of an association, including managing the budget, websites, social media channels or organizing events, and much more!
The election itself will take place after the General Assembly using an online voting platform (Balotilo). You can write a short presentation of yourself (please not more than 200 words) that will be sent to all the members before the vote. If you already know that you would like to stand for a candidacy, you can prepare the text and send it to us in advance. But don’t worry; you will also have some time between the end of the Assembly and the beginning of the online vote in case you should decide spontaneously.
Please let us know if you will participate and if you will have the possibility to gather in front of one computer with others.
Looking forward to meeting you on Google Meets!
European regards,
Le Bureau EMA-DOM
Korbinian, Nolwenn, Eske, Anika, Julius, Pauline, Francesca